oh, andy m

where m stands for...

yeah so anyway, i just came back from virginia beach/norfolk/new york and i'm back home watching the andy milonakis show. there are some beans/magic beans involved.

virginia beach = haunted house, JCC, fantastic radio with dana, sand dunes and dolphins...

andy just opened the mailbox of a dollhouse and there was strawberry jam inside. you know how i feel about strawberry jam. mmmm...

i've been having lots of fun this summer, and i need to move into the apartment soon! now that it has a nice new bathmat and glasses, who could resist? but i'd really like to be doing something in NY for the time that i'm there. so i was looking on craigslist (addiction 1 of 2 that i will be addressing today) and found some interesting opportunities...part-time bookstore clerk, cellist in an indie band...woo! so i'll semi-investigate those.

addiction 2 is the parachute game on my iPod.

also watched the aristocrats tonight :^D
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